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Extraordinary Ministers of Communion have the honor of assisting the priest in distributing the precious Body and Blood of Christ at the Mass or carrying the Eucharist to home-bound members of our parish.




Extraordinary Ministers
of Communion
to the Sick and Homebound

These selfless people generously give more of their time by taking the most precious gift of Jesus in the Eucharist, the love of God, and parish family to those unable to attend the regular services.

They give them the best medicine - Jesus himself - to help them and bring them peace and spiritual comfort.




Prayer for
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

Heavenly Father, I thank you for calling me to serve you and your people in this community as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist.  You know that I could never be worthy of such an exalted honor.  Help me to be less unworthy by remaining free from sin.  Let me nourish your people with the witness of my life as I feed them with the Body of Christ.

Grant your strength and holiness to all your extraordinary ministers and make us worthy to bring Christ to others.

In Jesus' name, I pray. 


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Saint Aloysius Roman Catholic Church * 691 West Side Ave * Jersey City * NJ * 07304